
Monday, April 5, 2010

Some Blog News


April is here and it's arrival marks 6 months of The Cooks Next Door! Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and trying our recipes! It's been a lot of fun and a lot of work for us. We have a few changes coming and we wanted to make you aware of them.

- We will change our posting schedule to Monday - Thursday.

- One of us will have a personal post every Tuesday - it may include recipes, farmer's market or csa finds, gardening, preserving or other topics of interest. Heather's will be called Counter Culture and Alaina's is yet to be named. We are excited to welcome you into our homes and kitchens even more.

- We will continue to have Market Fresh, Off The Shelf, and Weekend Fare on a regular basis! We will also still offer holiday menus. magazine reviews, an assortment of other recipes, and occasional restaurant/shop reviews.

- We will also be featuring some guest posts in the coming months. We are looking forward to enjoying a new wife's perspective, a newly gluten-free cook, and a grill master as well as others.

- May is a busy month for both of our families. Heather is expecting baby #5 at the end of April and will be taking most of the month of May off. And Alaina will be travelling overseas for the first part of May. While there will still be many posts, it may be less than usual. We will both be back hard at work for a summer full of wonderful produce and great recipes!

As busy moms of littles, we are always striving to find the balance. We thoroughly enjoy doing this blog and sharing our passion for cooking, baking, menu planning, entertaining, and seasonal eating. We try our best to answer all of your questions. We consider the recipe requests and try to include some of them in our posts but we simply haven't been able to incoroporate all of them yet. We hope over the life of this blog that we continue to give you recipes that you enjoy!

If you or anyone you know would like to advertise on our blog, has products or books that need reviewed, or would like us to host a cooking-related giveaway, please don't hesitate to contact us! We also really appreciate you sharing our site with friends and family through word of mouth, blogging, tweeting, and facebook!

Thank you again for making this a wonderful project. We look forward to continually improving and updating  our website!


  1. I love the "Counter Culture" name. How clever! Thanks for giving great ideas!

  2. I recently discovered your site and love the recipes and photos...Well done!

  3. LOVE the site!!! :-D Keep up the good work!! P.S. Would enjoy more posts about cookies, cakes + baking but this is still an AMAZING blog :-)

  4. Also CONGRATULATIONS to Heather on the imminent arrival of your new little one!! I pray you'll have a safe, swift and joyful delivery. Also PLEASE post some pictures of your new baby. I'm sure he/she (do you know?!) will be absolutely gorgeous. And also FIVE (wow!) kids?! Well done!! :-D
    God be with you.
